A major issue faced by many people all around the world, and even people here in America, is
pollution. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 92% of the world
population lives in places with unsafe levels of air pollution. From there fact sheet, they state
Ambient air pollution in both cities and rural areas was estimated to cause 3 million premature
This number is staggering, and we have to do something to fix it
deaths worldwide in 2012.
and the solution may be somewhere you least expect it.
Currently our energy comes mostly from coal and oil. The problem with this as a fuel source, is
both of these fuel sources emit heavy pollutants, not only in the air, but in the water as well.
Now a solution many people propose is solar energy. The problem, however, is that solar energy is
inefficient and expensive. In fact, according to the Energy Reality Project, it would cost about
$18 trillion to fuel America with solar energy.
Here's where nuclear energy comes into play. Nuclear energy, according to the same research by
the Energy Reality Project, would cost only about $1 trillion. This, mixed with the fact
that 1kg of Uranium produces about the same amount of energy as 15,000kg of coal, and you can see
truly why nuclear energy is a real contender in the energy market. It's also important to note that
nuclear energy produces no pollutants, and has the lowest annual fatality rate of any other fuel
source of any other kind of fuel, making it the most efficient, safest, and cleanest energy
available. What do you think? Should we switch to nuclear energy?